Saturday, September 28, 2013

Tea for Two with Doris Day

 Today was a fun day, we got up early, went out visiting family then did some shopping and then back home again to finish up some chores.  I was doing laundry and watching Tea for Two with Doris Day!  I love Doris Day and I have watched most of her movies two to three times but this is the first time I think I have seen Tea for Two from start to finish. There really was only one scene where they were actually serving tea... I was able to capture it :) .This is a sweet movie !

The silver tea set they used was pretty, it had a black handle.


  1. I thought I'd seen most of Doris Day's movies as I like her too. This is a new one for me, I'll have to see if I can find it.
    Have a good week!

    1. I hope you can catch it, it was a sweet movie :)
